
The Guild of Young Freemen of the City of London is a volunteer organisation dedicated to engaging young professionals with an interest in the heritage and traditions of the City of London. Open to young professionals under the age of 40 who are Freemen of the City of London and members of Livery Companies, it attracts those with an enthusiasm for the City, the Livery Companies, and their traditions—regardless of whether they have an existing affiliation with a Livery Company.

With a membership exceeding 250 young professionals and an age cut-off of 40, the Guild is naturally attuned to the needs and interests of young members of Livery Companies and emerging professionals. Its goal is to foster inter-livery fellowship, forging long-lasting friendships and making a meaningful impact, all while enjoying ourselves. As our members progress in their professional or civic careers, they follow in the footsteps of over 1,000 past members who have gone on to hold significant roles as captains of industry, corporate leaders, Livery Masters, Clerks, and even some Lord Mayors.

About Us


Membership of The Guild of Young Freemen is open to young people living and working in, or nearby to, the City of London who want to become more involved in the City, its traditions, and the Livery movement. Many of our members progress on to join a Livery Company during their time with the Guild, but it is not a formal requirement nor an expectation that you do so. Become a member