The Guild of Young Freemen maintains close relationships with all the Livery Companies of the City of London, from the Great Twelve to the Modern Liveries. Through these connections, our members gain a privileged insight into the unique traditions and rich history of the Livery movement.

A core aim of the Guild is to serve the City of London Corporation by fostering connection, education, and support among young Freemen and Liverymen. It provides a platform for members to meet, exchange ideas, and build lasting friendships, strengthening the next generation of City leaders. Through engagement with the City and its institutions, the Guild equips members with knowledge of the Livery movement and its traditions, fostering a deeper appreciation of their civic responsibilities. Additionally, it assists young professionals who are not yet affiliated with a Livery Company in identifying the one best suited to them.

In addition to personal development, the Guild actively supports Livery Companies through inter-livery initiatives, charitable endeavours, and activities designed to retain and engage young members. By encouraging participation and collaboration, it ensures the continued vitality of the Livery movement and helps to sustain its role in the life of the City.