The Guild is very privileged to offer its members the opportunity to take an active part in the City of London’s Livery Calendar. The extensive programme of events changes year on year to reflect the Master’s theme and Livery Company. Please find below the details of our events for the coming year along with booking links:

Events Programme 2024 – 2025

June 2024

Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AE
9:00am - 1:00pm, Saturday 8th June 2024

The Inter-Livery Cask Race is an exciting event run by the Coopers' Company, where teams from across the Livery will race off to be crowned cask race champions. Participating teams of four will roll barrels provided by Hook Norton Brewery in Guildhall Yard in heats, before a thrilling race for the crown. Entries will raise money towards the Coopers' Charity, primarily supporting those in hardship in Greater London and Surrey.

Members of the Guild will act as marshalls on the day, assisting the Coopers in organisating participants and spectators. The role of the marshalls is vital to the success of the event, so members can be assured of a rewarding day of charity work at this inter-livery competition.

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.
Book Here

Ironmongers' Hall, London EC2Y 8AA
6:00pm - 9:00pm, Wednesday 12 June 2024

Join other members of the Guild for an evening of drinks and welcome newly admitted members to the Guild family.

Prospective members should email the Clerk,, so that we know to expect you.

The Church Gardens of St. Michael's Cornhill, London EC3V 9DS
12:00pm - 5:00pm, Saturday 29th June 2024

Join other members of the Guild to welcome the newly installed Master at the first Guild event of our 2024-2025 year with a garden party in the grounds of the Guild's church. Lawn games, cakes, and summer cocktails accompany this relaxed afternoon, with a guest judge from the Bakers’ Company for the charity bake-off.

Entries to the competition are £5.00 per entry with all proceeds going directly to the Guild's Charity.

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.
Book Here

July 2024

Wax Chandlers' Hall, London EC2V 7AD
6:30pm - 10:30pm, Tuesday 2nd July 2024

The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers, ably led by fellow Young Freeman Timothy Evans, have organised a fun evening with the Guild of Young Freemen – a black tie getting to know you event in the intimate surroundings (candle lit, of course) of Wax Chandlers’ Hall. In addition to the familiar ingredients, there will be a couple of thought-provoking, short talks (on what we all care about), one on “Breaking the bronze ceiling - how we raised a memorial to an amazing woman and went viral in the process”. The other is “Bringing human rights into young people's lives - What Mary Wollstonecraft achieved in her short life and why it is so important right now” and we are proud to say this event is hosted by the Master Wax Chandler and 686th Lord Mayor of the City of London, Dame Fiona Woolf.

Book Here

Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AE
12:30pm - 9:00pm, Thursday 11th July 2024

The City Music Foundation hosts this celebration of beer, music, and food to support gifted musicians in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Brewers, with proceeds going to the Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

For full details, and to book tickets, please visit the City Beerfest Website

Freemasons Arms 81-82 Long Acre, London, WC2E 9NG
6:30pm - 9:00pm, Monday 29th July 2024

The Makers of Playing Cards have thrown down the gauntlet and challenged the Young Freemen to a night of fun card games, in the setting of the Freemasons Arms. No prior knowledge of the game, Swedish Pursuit, is required - as their Clerk can testify!

Swedish Pursuit is based on Crazy Eights (also known as Crazy Aces, Nines, Crates, Switch), which is loosely related to UNO, but contains some devilish trick card variations, making it very easy to learn and tremendous fun to play.

Half way through proceedings we will stop for a bite to eat before resuming the games. Members are welcome to remain at the bar for drinks with the Makers of Playing Cards to learn more about their Company after the games conclude. 

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.
Book Here

August 2024

Ironmongers' Hall, London EC2Y 8AA

7:00pm - 9:00pm, Thursday 1st August 2024

Join other members of the Guild for an informal evening of drinks and welcome newly admitted members to the Guild family.

Prospective members should email the Clerk,, so that we know to expect you.

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.

September 2024

Guildhall, London EC2V 5AE
6:00pm - 8:00pm, Thursday 12th September 2024

Join us at the Guildhall for a City Briefing, to hear about the work of the Corporation and it's relationship with the Livery Companies. These fascinating events feature a range of highlighly interesting presentations, with speakers from the Livery Committee, the Court of Aldermen, the Chamberlain's Court, and more.

The presentations are followed by a panel discussion and Q&A, before a light finger buffet of food and wine which provides an opportunity to mix with other Freemen and Liverymen.

This event is only open to members of the Guild of Young Freemen.
Book Here

Riverscape, 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1BE
8:00am - 5:00pm, Sunday 29th September 2024

The Sheep Drive is a major City event involving some 1,000+ Freemen of the City of London and their friends and family crossing the bridge with their sheep, raising tens of thousands of pounds for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and the Woolmen's Charitable Trust. This year the event takes place on Southwark Bridge.

Members and Prospective Members of the Guild have a vital part to play in this event. As volunteer marshals, the Young Freemen are the public face of the Sheep Drive, leading people across the bridge, dressed in their scarlet robes. Coverage of the event is global with images syndicated across the world.

In addition to enjoying a unique experience and playing a vital role in a pivotal City event, volunteers will enjoy a free breakfast and free hot lunch at the Livery Fair.

This is a standout event in the Guild year, truly a one-of-a-kind, and not to be missed!

Please note: participation in this event is strictly as a volunteer marshal (rather than undertaking a single sheep drive like other attendees). You (and any prospective members you bring as guests) must be available to volunteer for the duration of the event from 8.00am to 5.00pm. (Non-volunteer regular tickets for one-time sheep drive bookings should be purchased from the main Sheep Drive website at

Guild members are welcome to bring prospective members as guests to this event.
Book Here

October 2024

Saddlers' Hall, London EC2V 6BR
6:45pm for 7:30pm - 10:30pm, Friday 18th October 2024

The Annual Banquet 2024 will be held at Saddlers' Hall by kind permission of the Master and Wardens of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers. This glittering evening is one of the highlights of the Guild's year, and to enjoy the fabulous hospitality of a City banquet.

The evening will start with a drinks reception while guests enjoy the ornate surroundings of Saddlers' Hall, followed by a sumptuous 3-course dinner with wines, port, petits fours, and coffee. Afterwards, members and guests will decamp to a nearby venue to continue the festivities.

The dress code is black tie with livery badges and decorations, national dress, or mess dress for serving officers. Livery-affiliated members are encouraged to wear their livery badges and other decorations.

For those who have never been to a City dinner before and are therefore unfamiliar with what to expect, we encourage you to take a look at this page on our website for a handy guide:

We expect tickets will sell out fast for this event so book early to avoid disappointment.

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.
Tickets are not yet on sale for this event

November 2024

The Vestry of St Michael's Cornhill, London EC3V 9DS
8:30am for 9:00am - 6:00pm, Saturday 9th November 2024

The Lord Mayor’s Show is the world’s oldest civic procession and the Guild is incredibly privileged to play a prominent role by escorting the giant statues of Gog and Magog, the ancient defenders of the City, under the watchful eye of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers.

The day will begin with an early breakfast in the vestry of St Michael's Cornhill (8:30am sharp), after which members and guests will robe and make their way to the float for the Procession, which will pause on the Embankment for some much needed libation around midday, before returning to the Guildhall where the giants are displayed. After this, there will be an opportunity to watch the end of the parade whilst we make our way back to the vestry to deposit robes before rounding off what is expected to be a superb day with a formal luncheon and drinks reception, venue TBC.

Tickets include breakfast, entry to the parade (which includes a light lunch at Embankment), as well as the luncheon and drinks reception. Places are limited owing to the unprecedented size of the procession and demand for tickets, so do please book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Guild members are welcome to bring prospective members as guests to this event.
Tickets are not yet on sale for this event

December 2024

St. Michael's Cornhill, London EC3V 9DS
6:00pm - 7:00pm followed by drinks, Tuesday 3th December 2024

The final event of 2024; the service will commence at 6.00pm in the Guild church of St Michael's Cornhill, and will conclude at 7.00pm with mulled wine and mince pies. The Master will deliver a traditional reading along with other City dignitaries, with the wonderful church choir singing a selection of carols.

The service will be followed by a drinks reception at the Jamaica Wine House next door, with nibbles and drink provided for members and their guests. We very much hope that you will be able join us to celebrate Christmas and our last event of the calendar year in the festive good cheer only Young Freemen know!

Guild members are welcome to bring friends, family, and other guests to this event.
Tickets are not yet on sale for this event

January 2025

Venue TBC
6:00pm - 9:00pm, Tuesday 30th January 2025

Details coming soon!

This event is only open to members of the Guild of Young Freemen.
Tickets are not yet on sale for this event

February 2025

Venue TBC
6:30pm - 10:00pm, Thursday 13th February 2025

The Guild of Young Freemen invite you to join us for an evening of tremendously fun and friendly competition at the annual Young Livery Inter-Livery Quiz, open to all younger members (under 40's) of the Livery Companies and Guilds.

Teams of up to six will battle for quizzing domination in a professionally run quiz by Quiz Coconut, competing for the ultimate prize of fame and glory. The winning team toasts their success with a bottle of champagne (and the well-earned feeling of glory!), and all proceeds from the event are donated to the winning team's Company Charity*.
*Or a nominated charity of their Clerk's choice, should the Company/Guild not have an official charity.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the evening, and an informal supper is provided mid-way through the quiz.

All participants must be a member of a City Livery Company or Guild (including the Young Freemen).
Book Here

April 2025

St. Paul's Cathedral, London EC4M 8AD
10:15am for 11:15am - 12:00pm, Friday 4th April 2025

The annual service celebrating the Guilds' and Liveries' contribution to the City, with a colourful procession of Masters and the Lord Mayor in State; a truly memorable event. First run at the suggestion of the Liveries after the Blitz it was hoped that the pageantry of the City would lift the spirits of the people, and the service has become a yearly fixture ever since.

After the service there is an (optional) luncheon at Butchers' Hall, 12:30pm for 1:00pm - 3:00pm, where members who have attended the service may join with other Masters, Wardens, and Liverymen of the many Guilds and Companies attending the service for a convivial meal. This includes a sparkling wine reception followed by three-course luncheon with wine, petits fours, and coffee.

Those attending will be loaned ceremonial robes for the occasion. This service provides an incredible opportunity to see St. Paul's Cathedral in action with its superb organ and choir.

Please note: as we have a limited number of tickets for this service you will be notified if a ticket has been allocated to you, or if you are on the waiting list.

This event is only open to members of the Guild of Young Freemen.
Book Here